Monday, February 14, 2011

The birth of Cameron...

Boy, I was sooo ready to get this baby out!! There's a reason that you have babies when you're young...

I was extremely exhausted when the 10 hour ordeal was over...things didn't go quite as smoothly as we'd hoped.

Cameron went through the wringer as well and it showed on her face. She had soooo much dark hair and dark skin. She was so little and cute!

Ryan was very excited to be with his new baby sister!

Jordan was nervous about holding her new baby sister!
Love Love Love!!!

Easter snuck in on us but it was all a blur to me...

Everyone faught over who could hold her!

Little (purple) hands and fingers...

See? Told you she went through the wringer...her head took awhile to get all the kinks out.


"Aw" again!!!!

We loved the sleepers that were passed over from best friend Sophia Pepper!

Baby Lowe...Jojo kept calling her our hispanic baby with all of the dark hair and skin!